I love it when people call you, you answer and they ask if you're okay and they get an of course i'm not o fucking kay.
Then they ask why.
Bloody strange.
Last night was shocking, i wish i could kinda video record myself falling apart so when i feel good i can watch it back.
I'm gunna use this blog like a proper diary.
And write down everything because i think that helps.
And then once i'm over everything i'm gunna stop updating it.
I'm gunna go to the doctors on tuesday and hope to god they help me.
I think he may refer me for psychiatric help because i do actually feel insane.
Right now would be the perfect opportunity to do some serious damage to myself.
I'm home alone, but i couldn't bare the thought of failing, and i've tried and tried to do it right and i never have before.
I hope i'll get some help on tuesday to be honest :)
I have to get ready shortly because Selina is taking me to matalan to treat me apparently.
It's going to make me feel better as well.
Until i find something i really like, try it on in my size and it doesn't fit because i'm too fat?
Aha, bless my mam for trying.
My friends just said that i need sex and it'll make me feel better?
I don't know if it would.
Because would they be doing it right?
I think it might be too soon for that, but some good harmless flirty fun?
I think i could honestly deal with that.
Because to be fair, that's what she was doing throughout the relationship right?
At least i can wait till i'm single for it.