31 Jan 2010

Poorly life.

I'm terribly tired, I have a poorly head, poorly eyebrow bone, I want junk food also.

Last night was the funniest though.
I heart:
-Food fights
-Snow angels
-Locking myself out,

I'm extremely concerned that we've resorted to eating fruit for a sugar kick 'cause we don't have no junk.
I now have plum stook in my teeth and it's not enjoyable.

And i'm just not happy in general.

Bed time.

24 Jan 2010


At college we always learnt that if you're giving feedback,
Always start with a positive, give a negative then finish with a positive.
So this is what i'm going to do.

15 Days.

Everyone has stories and experiences.
I understand that and i'd probably be concerned if people didn't!
But it works both ways, you have to listen to mine as much as I listen to yours!
Or else it just isn't a conversation and relationships can't build up.
Listening is such a skill.
I studied listening within counselling and how many people can actually say i'm a good listener?!
Not very many people i'm sure.
I try to listen, now i've learnt how to lisen, I thing i try well.

I feel let down by my friend.
Thinking about it.
They always say they do everything for me.
But I'll correct that they do little silly things for me.
But when it's a real favour, they're busy, they forget.
I never forget to pick you up and drive you places do I?

I always tend to question whether everythings worth it?
Is it?
Right now nothing is worth anything.

I wish I was at home with my mother.
With my friends.

I get to see them on the 9th though.
I can't wait.
It's going to be one of the best nights out in AGES!

23 Jan 2010


I sm in a foul mood, and this mood isn't going anywhere quick.
I've never wanted to be in Redcar so much right now.
I wanna be with my mammy, i want her to stroke my hair and give me a hug.

I wish someone could pump my stomach so i throw up so i can start drinking again.
That to be fair sounds like an excellent idea.

Today: I'm gunna hibernate in my room, i might go find my phone charger and my cigarettes.

I take this back i may go clean up!

Is it possible to actually hate someone i've never met?
I'm not sure but i don't like her a lort.

21 Jan 2010

What's that noise?

It's amazing.
I've missed it!
I've only got another 60 minutes to appreciate it though.
But it's Olivia so it's okay, then i'm gunna get cooking aha! :]
I don't have the urge to drink tonight so it'll be hot chocolate i think :]
Ready for tomorrow with Danielle, my liver is wrecked, so far this week i've spent about £30 on alcohol. How excellent!

This is what I enjoy

And also miss.
But to be fair it isn't too long till I see her again.

19 Jan 2010


I have never actually been bowling before today.
But i went, i ALMOST won!
AHA, but it was so fun, me and my two flatmates xD
I feel like we're a proper trio already! Like Monday night me and Olivia went through three bottles of wine, Av had her lager, just talking about shit in me room.
Then today; bowling, letting agents then shopping, how fun.
Although I spent way too much shopping, but the checkout girl was cute!
I had a nice weekend.
It was nice.
It was lovely.
I enjoyed it.
Maybe too much i'm not sure.
And now i'm going to; get cuddles off my best, watch the l word and to get drunk to the point that i throw up and pass out 'cause i miss her.
Goodbye sober life.

11 Jan 2010


First day back at school since like November. AHA.
I hated the fact i had to get up! :|
But i did it.
Was on time as well.
And who did i see at the gate?
As always to be fair.
But wor ginge Heather Buchan!
Aha. It's been so nice to see her and wind her up! :D She's a cracker!
Been real nice to catch up with everyone!
And to be fair i think the university has a secret crush on our tutor group.
In uni 8 hours this week! HA. Done 3 of them already, off tuesdays, two hours wednesday, off thursday,
supposedly three hours friday. One hour friday.

DAW. Friday.

But i'm excited yep yep.
The weathers behaving so far!
Let it continue! Or else i'll definatly not impressed.

Handed in my essays, although i will have probably failed! :[
Just had a nap it was canny, still tired though.
Apparently doing an all nighter with my girls. Ouch!
Even though i got rather sad about coming back, it takes like a day to be used to it.
And it's absoloutly fine, although the question what to have for tea is still a bugger!

Even though i've been back to uni for a day and night.
I've realised one huge thing.
I now realise that I don't actually have the urge to text you and talk to you on the phone.
I actually roll my eyes when i get a text off you now to see what you've put.
I haven't been on your facebook page in DAYSSSSS!
And when i'm near you i don't have the urge to have a cuddle.
You fucked up big time last year girl!
All you do is lie and i'm too good for lies and cheats.

9 Jan 2010

Im so ugly right now.

White wine just wants to make me kill myself.
But when you and Daniel only have white wine that's what you'll drink.
I keep getting the taste again I hate it.
Cringe at my life right now aha.
What a tail i am please?!
Last night was the best though, i had such a good time getting wasted, playing in snow, drinking even more, kissy kissy kissy in the snow, playing in more snow.

However my life isn't a happy chappy right now. I need to sort myself out and get cracking.
I need to write three essays, i need some inspiration from somewhere and then pack.
Maybe go shopping with mammy later seeing as though i didn't get up at 9! ¬.¬ I didn't go to sleep till 6 like i would be up at 9 pfft!

It's quite upsetting knowing this is my last day/night in Redcar :[
I'm going to miss all my sexies yet again.
Gunna miss me mammy :[
It's like sometimes i just wanna get back, i'm sick of being home, feeling confined. But i do secretly love being home, i feel so safe, so comfortable, so loved, so happy.
Seeing all my friends again after months? Like it's just amazing it's like i've never been away. I've got new friends, but c'mon these bitches here are my life and now she's going to cry.
Once i've been back a few days it'll all be good.
I just hate feeling loney at uni, like it can be really quiet and you've got four walls to stare at? That's why i guess i just get drunk aha.
But i think there's gunna be a field trip to newcastle shortly? They better.

But i get to see all the beaut's again, 'cause i have missed them.
It's gunna be strange going back in the classroom, yawn, but at least I can sleep in there.

I hate myself right now, eurgh.
My hair looks absoloutly terrible. My face is just shit.
I want a new body.
I think i might go and throw up.

7 Jan 2010

Redhead is back ♥

Because i'm back.
It makes me so happy, i love my hair. It's sexy.
From this: Areet ginge ;]

To this: Areet redhead, l
ove it!

Bloody larvley.

Well i still have four essays i need to do, i'm such a lazy bum orrrr hungover aha. Pfft.
Gunna get them done tomorrow, i can't wait to get back to uni.
I've missed people especially buchan haven't seen her since like November :|

Another thing that i've decided i'm gunna do this year. Is just to do things, like don't think about it at the time, think about it later!
Like if i decide i want to go to London for some particular reason, i should just go.
Or if i want to go and meet people just do it!
I should be a free spirit, i'm a student and i should just do what I want and not think about what other people want from me!

This snow is getting bad bad bad.
We have so much right now.
It terrifies me to drive in it!
But i'm gunna have to do it.
I need to get back to uni.
I was thinking about going back themorra, but i don't wanna.
I wanna stay at home for an extra few days, i still have people to see!
I've gotta feeling i'm gunna set off then get caught in a blizzard of snow ain't i!
Just gunna have to make sure i've charged wor phone!
'Cause if i get stuck in traffic i do like a bit chat.


6 Jan 2010

EEEEE. How cold is it please?!

I'm just oh so cold, it does not amuse me, my ears, my fingers, my toesies BRRR.

I finished my 2500 word essay :D I think it might possibly be a big fat fail though aha.
Never mind.
I have no idea what else i've actually been doing.
I've ate wayy too much food with Olivia and also drank half a bottle of absinthe with her in two nights, oh i love it. I didn't see the GREEEN fairy though! :[
Bad times.

Right now i should be in the shower whilst OMC has her hair cut, then i need to make us some dinner, My life sucks.
And i HATED our mini argument this morning, like i phoned the hairdressers for you to cancel the appointment then we woke up late AGAIN and i needed a shower so wanted to come home and you weren't impressed 'cause you do so much for me and i never do a thing.
But she's okay now.

Right now i am actually head over heals in love with the music from moulin rouge. MM.

Had me hair snipped last night, it's canny, hello bright red hair again!

I think i sorted out the little predicament i was in last night, i'm not entirely sure.
However i'm just gunna go with the flow.
I know know know know know know what i would quite like to happen.
But i should start to realise i can't always get my own way..or can i? xD Ahaa.
However i believe that this one person is just pretty damn great, they're stunning, funny, sarcastic and annoying
I enjoy it.

Shower time.
Ameeeey needs some heat.


2 Jan 2010

I don't...

..Check my phone every five minutes or so to see if i have a text from you.

I actually much prefer livejournal for the pure fact i'm a html bum on there and you can also make your blog private and i have NO idea how to do it here, boo!

Well my day has kind of been productive ¬.¬ i've sorted out all my research from placement into a little file thing so if i need anything it's all a-z as well, excellent.
And i'm currently in the process of sorting out all my uni work into folders.

For the girl who talks too much this has taken me also an hour to write aha, distractions much?!

BUT now my life is in order i'll be able to sit down tomorrow and sort my essays out, for sure.
And sorting my mess out makes my head so much clearer. I actually find it amazing how by sorting things out neatly or cleaning my room it always makes me able to be productive.

Another thing i realised today, which i always knew, but it made me question life. C'mon it's it strange how we have the same face for however many years we live for? And it just never ever changes, well unless you dabble in plastics.
Am i happy looking at the same face for years and years?
I don't mind it really.

And is it a pure repeat of everytime?
I always want what i can't have then when i can have it i don't want it?
I don't want that to happen, it kinda didn't happen the last time and look where that left me hey?!
But i'm going to sound like an 80 year old now, a leopard never changes it's spots.

Another thing that i've spoke about a lot recently is people who are bisexual.
Each to their own, but why is it that gay people and lesbians always look down on them? Not so much look down but up to now i've always refused to even get to know them, because "they always end up with the same sex."
But surely that's a lie? I'm guessing though it is past experiences that influence my opinion.
My first girlfriend messed me around with guys.
My last girlfriend messed me around with guys.
So it's just easier not to bother for sure, but then it's bad of me to stereotype all bisexuals, 'cause aren't the LGBT community trying to get rid of all stereotype's and here's me doing it myself. Tut tut.

And with this whole new year crack, i plan to:
  • Drink more
  • Smoke more
  • Succeed at uni
  • Get hurt
  • And meet as many people people as possible.
That's all about being young isn't it.

1 Jan 2010

The rant of them all.

Last night was an absoloute cracker i had a great time.
Today has been extremely lazy i love it.
But then hi argument with my sister, i would love to know who she thinks she is.

Not all sisters have to get along do they? I detest mine.
I can't stand being in the same room as her, it's bad.

Another thing i love how people have two faces.
One of their faces is how they're all just so plain and nice to you, the'd do anything for you. They care for you.
Then their other face is just where they clearly can't be arsed with you. You text them, they ignore. Like seriously fuck off.

I know for a fact i let way too many people walk all over me and that's going to stop i can't be arsed with it. If you're going to play games and be my friend when it suits, save it :]

And the second biggest pain in my life right now is that i have five essays to complete, probably gunna have to go back to uni early daw.
The biggest pain in my life right now is that i have no money at all.
It's killing me.
But surely i'll get through being a poor student, i hope.

Happy fucking 2o1o, baha it's a joke.
