..Check my phone every five minutes or so to see if i have a text from you.
I actually much prefer livejournal for the pure fact i'm a html bum on there and you can also make your blog private and i have NO idea how to do it here, boo!
Well my day has kind of been productive ¬.¬ i've sorted out all my research from placement into a little file thing so if i need anything it's all a-z as well, excellent.
And i'm currently in the process of sorting out all my uni work into folders.
For the girl who talks too much this has taken me also an hour to write aha, distractions much?!
BUT now my life is in order i'll be able to sit down tomorrow and sort my essays out, for sure.
And sorting my mess out makes my head so much clearer. I actually find it amazing how by sorting things out neatly or cleaning my room it always makes me able to be productive.
Another thing i realised today, which i always knew, but it made me question life. C'mon it's it strange how we have the same face for however many years we live for? And it just never ever changes, well unless you dabble in plastics.
Am i happy looking at the same face for years and years?
I don't mind it really.
And is it a pure repeat of everytime?
I always want what i can't have then when i can have it i don't want it?
I don't want that to happen, it kinda didn't happen the last time and look where that left me hey?!
But i'm going to sound like an 80 year old now, a leopard never changes it's spots.
Another thing that i've spoke about a lot recently is people who are bisexual.
Each to their own, but why is it that gay people and lesbians always look down on them? Not so much look down but up to now i've always refused to even get to know them, because "they always end up with the same sex."
But surely that's a lie? I'm guessing though it is past experiences that influence my opinion.
My first girlfriend messed me around with guys.
My last girlfriend messed me around with guys.
So it's just easier not to bother for sure, but then it's bad of me to stereotype all bisexuals, 'cause aren't the LGBT community trying to get rid of all stereotype's and here's me doing it myself. Tut tut.
And with this whole new year crack, i plan to:
I actually much prefer livejournal for the pure fact i'm a html bum on there and you can also make your blog private and i have NO idea how to do it here, boo!
Well my day has kind of been productive ¬.¬ i've sorted out all my research from placement into a little file thing so if i need anything it's all a-z as well, excellent.
And i'm currently in the process of sorting out all my uni work into folders.
For the girl who talks too much this has taken me also an hour to write aha, distractions much?!
BUT now my life is in order i'll be able to sit down tomorrow and sort my essays out, for sure.
And sorting my mess out makes my head so much clearer. I actually find it amazing how by sorting things out neatly or cleaning my room it always makes me able to be productive.
Another thing i realised today, which i always knew, but it made me question life. C'mon it's it strange how we have the same face for however many years we live for? And it just never ever changes, well unless you dabble in plastics.
Am i happy looking at the same face for years and years?
I don't mind it really.
And is it a pure repeat of everytime?
I always want what i can't have then when i can have it i don't want it?
I don't want that to happen, it kinda didn't happen the last time and look where that left me hey?!
But i'm going to sound like an 80 year old now, a leopard never changes it's spots.
Another thing that i've spoke about a lot recently is people who are bisexual.
Each to their own, but why is it that gay people and lesbians always look down on them? Not so much look down but up to now i've always refused to even get to know them, because "they always end up with the same sex."
But surely that's a lie? I'm guessing though it is past experiences that influence my opinion.
My first girlfriend messed me around with guys.
My last girlfriend messed me around with guys.
So it's just easier not to bother for sure, but then it's bad of me to stereotype all bisexuals, 'cause aren't the LGBT community trying to get rid of all stereotype's and here's me doing it myself. Tut tut.
And with this whole new year crack, i plan to:
- Drink more
- Smoke more
- Succeed at uni
- Get hurt
- And meet as many people people as possible.