21 Jun 2010

Type 'a picture' in google.

I hate first days.
Pure hate them.
I hate being made feel shit.
So i got sent home due to my hair.
I have dyed it and now it's a vomit colour.
I don't think i've felt so down in time.
Proper feel poo like, but never mind.
I'm never happy.
I'm a pure whinge bag.
I hate feeling like this.
I feel like a failure.
And that i'm never going to be a good nurse.
And I realised something today.
That if i wasn't training to be an nurse,
there's actually nothing else that i'm good at.
So excuse me while I go and hang myself.

p.s. I love this. I'm going to create a diary like this. Or just a book. Where i write my thoughts in. Like a big scrap book.
Maybe one day i will.