9 Apr 2010


For me this word means so much! And I don't take lightly to saying it
So to see someone who has been with someone else

And the fact they haven't actually seen each other since
How is it possible to declare undying love for each other?! I don't think it's possible, it just seriously stresses me out! People who just throw the word around when to some people it means so much. I just wish these type of people would grow up.

I had a lovely easter with my girl.
And i'm glad I had an extra
two days with her.
I reckon it happened for a reason - fate.
I felt really wreckless actually, just deciding to miss work.
But it needed to happen to be fair, I couldn't leave on an argument.
And my new years resoloution was to be carefree and do what I want.
Whilst on my two days extra holiday I got to meet someone I never thought i'd meet - my girlfriend's best friend..
And i'm glad I did to be fair.

I came to realise how much she means to my best friend.
And i'm glad.
I'm glad that my girlfriend has someone there for her whenever.
'Cause I know where I wouldn't be without my best friend.