11 Apr 2010


So I eventually wrote this letter with the help from Selina
I knew exactly what I wanted to put.
Yet when pen came to paper it never happened.

But I've tried I just need to get it sent,
even though i'll never get a reply.

There are so many things I wanted to write,
but I thought it best to keep it light,
tell her a bit about my life.
And what's happening.
And hoping she's well.

I really wanted to tell her how much she's hurt me.
And made me so fucking angry at times.
And how she doesn't know me anymore or know what's happening in my life.
I miss her so much and she won't even realise it.
But I won't let her know this because i'm not going to show her she's affected me or made me weak.

But we'll see hey.
Sometimes I just wish I could call her.
And hear her silly banter.
Her dry humour and wit.
Like old times.
But the phone would get put down on me.

On a plus note i'm looking forward to going out for Little Nic's 21st with all of the guys.
Should be fun.