Read through my old blog today, completely forgot I had this to be fair.
All I used to do was complain!
I'm in such a better place now, my old problems seem to trivial now.
I finished uni last year graduating with a first class, which i'm still so proud of.
I've got a job working in an amazing hospital on a ward I love.
I've just moved into a lovely flat, and it makes me really happy when I look around and realise that all of the furniture I own.
I've got a car which is five months old, another amazing achievement.
And my lovely Tina T and our three kitty cats :)
Life isn't perfect, but it's pretty damn good.
Looking at my own blog posts it seemed that I never had a good day or anything positive to say!
I'm currently reading the hunger games book. I started reading it last night and I literally can't put it down. It's so good. The movies are canny, but the book is so much better. I love lazy days off work where I can just relax and read.
I'm getting a new wardrobe delivered tomorrow and I cant WAIT! I'm sick of all my lovely dresses being on the floor aha. And i'm hoping my nana will come up tomorrow depending on how she feels :) Fingers crossed!
Wednesday me and Tina T have a day off together so I might we might go for a walk. Or to the farm actually!
Next thing on my two do list is to buy a house :) Need to stop going on holidays and start saving for a mortgage!