31 Dec 2009

Hi amey.

My new song: I've gotta feeling.
Yeah man, innit.

Happy new year and all that. It's been bloody excellent. I have had an excellent time!

1. YOU are an absoloute arsecake. Seriously; this is the last time you make a mug of me.
I will get you back and i can't wait. Ha, you're not worth my time and effort thank you.



14 Dec 2009

Second post.

I have one 2500 word essay to write.
Then i have four 500 word essays to write.
This just isn't happening, :( Sad times.
Amey needs to get her arse into gear if i'm honest!

It proper stresses me though, that i'm in the kitchen to try and do some work and there's the annoying people in here who talk about shit and eat like pigs.

Not long till christmas :D Like 11 days, might ask my mam if she wants to pay to get my tattoo coloured in for christmas :]

I've started reading twilight it's really quite good, i'm about 3/4 of the way through it, i can't put it down really ha.

Almost finished season 6 of bad girls also, i have no life it's rather terrible.

To do list:
  • 2500 word assignment (1/2 tonight)
  • Washing (tuesday)
  • Finish PAD (tuesday)
  • 4x500 word assignments (rest of the week)
  • Workbook (January)
  • Clean room (Friday)

The end.

12 Dec 2009

The beginning.

I've made a swap from livejournal because I can.
No idea how long this'll go on for but hey ho here we go.

Life is pretty much grand at the minute.
Being a student is pretty grand also, I really enjoy it.
It can get really lonely though when you're on placement and you don't see many people from your class because you're either on shift or they are. Then in halls when you're friends have all gone home for the weekend and you're left with the ones who annoy the hell out of you ha.

All i do lately is winge on ha, could always class it as getting things off my chest maybe?

8 days until I go home for christmas, i'm extremely excited! I can't wait to see my mammy and sister and the college lot, i'm looking forward to seeing Daniel although he's hardly ever in touch until I am which is a shame considering we were always together.
Get to see Victoria and the bump as well! Which is excellent.
Probably won't see Olivia as much considering she lives round the corner in Newcastle and I see her quite a lot!

So i'm going to retire to my room to watch more Bad Girls alone ha.
